Quilt Constellation Star - Pattern Free

In this quilt we see that blocks and triangles create a very special vibration.
A cluster of stars forming a beautiful constellation. Highlight the big star in the center of the quilt ..
It really is a quilt with different stitches and lines. It seems to be complicated but it's a very simple point to make. For those who like constellations or space this is a great work.
In reality, stars and other constituents of a constellation usually have no physical relationship to each other. But we tend to think otherwise. This is because when we look at the sky, we do not have the perception of the real distances of the stars to us, but only an idea of the disposition of them in relation to the others in the celestial sphere.

Before the 1930s, constellations were defined as clusters of stars in the celestial sphere * which, imaginatively, formed figures of characters such as people, animals, objects or mythological beings.

Amy Butler was the one who provided us with this standard in PDF completely complete and free.

Quilt Constellation Star - Pattern Free
